St. Adalbert School is committed to offering our students a challenging curriculum focused on giving students the opportunity to grow and develop as self-directed learners. Students are evaluated throughout the year using the MAPS and Fountas and Pinnell Reading assessments followed by the Wisconsin Forward Exam. Our growth and achievement data is used to help make our instruction more robust and focused on the individual needs of our students.

Core Curriculum
- Reading/Language Arts
- Math –Matemáticas
- Religion/Family Life –Religión
- Science
- Social Studies
- Music Studies
- Physical Education
- Art
Enrichment Curriculum
- Sacrament Preparation
- Reading and Math Interventions for all students
- Technology Integration
- Middle School Electives

Supplementary Curriculum
- Athletics
- Book Fairs
- Community Service
- Field Trips
- Retreats
- Spelling Bees
- Family Events
- Student Concerts
- Student Council